Everyone deserves an equal right to get out of a burning building. Now, even those with mobility problems can safely be evacuated from high-rise buildings using our evacuation chairs.

Evacuation Chairs manufactured and used in the UK now available for use in Australia.

Current legislation demands that employers and service providers have sufficient emergency procedures in place to ensure that anyone allowed into a building is able to evacuate safely without depending on the fire brigade. This is especially relevant where there is a lift and people with mobility impairments, such as wheelchair users, are present.

Increased awareness of these requirements has led to the use of a range of evacuation equipment, including evacuation chairs. Unfortunately, we often come across buildings where there is no equipment. In others, steps are not taken to meet legal obligations. There can be a lack of or no suitably trained operators, and maintenance is not always carried out. As a result, the organisation/responsible persons are in a vulnerable position. They risk non-compliance, prosecution and put lives in danger.

Evacuation Chair

The Evacuation Chair enables one person to evacuate a physically impaired person safely and easily downstairs in the event of an emergency or when lifts cannot be used. Our chair comes complete with operating instructions that are visible to the operator at all times, an included dust cover and wall mounting brackets.

Available to purchase outright or through our lease options that can include training and maintenance, please ask for details.

Training & Maintenance

Our training courses are tailored to your needs and provide your staff with the necessary knowledge to attain the level of proficiency and confidence required to safely evacuate the physically impaired in an emergency evacuation. We can train people to use the chairs safely and effectively and we can train a member of your staff so they can train others, which ensures that you meet your obligations.

It is essential that equipment provided for work is safe for use, maintained in a safe condition and inspected to ensure it is correctly installed and does not subsequently deteriorate. Our specialists follow a rigorous checklist when carrying out maintenance on your  Evacuation Chairs, and any work that needs to be done to them is carried out on site.